The eTwinning “Green Jobs” project, developed in partnership with schools from Aver-o-Mar, Vila do Conde, Italy, France, Spain, Turkey, and Slovakia, aims to introduce the concept of green jobs and promote essential skills to transform young people into agents of change in an inclusive society and green economy. The project seeks to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to mitigate the job market mismatch for the future, creating a transition program for green jobs and entrepreneurship.
Developed between September 2023 and May 2024, the project is organized into six work modules designed to achieve the goals and objectives outlined in the project plan. The work focused on three main areas: green economies, the skills mismatch for green jobs, and economic issues. From the outset, students were organized into international mixed teams, collaborating with the support of ICT tools throughout the project.
The work plan was enriched with specific tasks, activity scheduling, tool selection, and relevant digital documents, all accessible via Twinspace. The participating schools coordinated their actions through online meetings, the Teacher Bulletin, TwinMail, and dedicated communication groups created to facilitate information sharing.
The final products of the project, a website and an e-book, were collaboratively created with international partners and are now available to the public. These products showcase the most representative works of the students, highlighting the commitment and creativity of the participants in the pursuit of a sustainable future.
To learn more about the project and explore the completed works, visit the project website: and check out the e-book: